Unipartner is one of the 25 top Best Companies to Work in Portugal 2024 ranking!
We are thrilled to announce that Unipartner was recognized for the second time as one of the 25 top Best Companies to Work in Portugal...
Unipartner is one of the 25 top Best Companies to Work in Portugal 2024 ranking!
Unipartner recognized as the Sustainability Partner of the Year by Microsoft!
Unipartner is recognized with 2 new Microsoft awards!
Om våra Microsoft-specialiseringar
Unipartner uppnår en ny certifieringsnivå för DwP-rörelsen!
Unipartner har fått 3 Microsoft-utmärkelser under 2022!
Unipartner får en ny avancerad specialisering!
Unipartner är certifierad med stämpeln Digital with Purpose Committed!
Unipartner är en av de bästa arbetsplatserna!
Unipartner har återigen fått två nya utmärkelser av Microsoft!